Philippians 4:13

The Third Grade Expert Expo has been a wonderful tradition at St. Michael’s School for the past several years. Third graders read a book about a person or topic that interests them, they create a display board with props, and then they may wear a costume to depict their person or topic as they present their findings to parents, students, and staff. This project allows students to tackle many skills: reading, writing, and speaking, and it bolsters their confidence in areas where they might be fearful.
Throughout our lives there are numerous times when we are afraid or apprehensive. For students it might be changing classes at the start of a new school year and making friends, or it could be learning a new task that isn’t coming easily. For adults, we are certainly nervous when we start a new job, or make important financial decisions that could have long-term effects. In fact, every day we are expected to make multiple decisions, some more consequential than others.
For all of us, children and adults alike, all we can do is prepare as well as we can, make the best choice in the moment, and be confident. It is not helpful to worry about what tomorrow might bring, or second guess the choices we make. That is why it is so important to pray each day for God to guide us in our decisions and calm our fears.
The destruction we have all observed on the news this past week regarding the fires in Los Angeles has likely given all of us pause. We are saddened for those who lost their homes or businesses, their memories, or even their lives. We worry about how they will be able to recover and rebuild. Where will children whose schools have been demolished learn? We also know that we, too, have been and could be in a similar situation down the road. These fears, however, are not helpful, and they are certainly not from God.
In spite of all of the horror we witnessed, it has been so uplifting to see the goodness that has come out of this tragedy: neighbors helping neighbors, an outpouring of donations and volunteers at shelters, and statues of the Blessed Virgin and other sacred figures that were left uncharred in the middle of total destruction. We know God has not abandoned our neighbors to the north. He will stand by them and they will overcome, as will we whenever we turn to Him in Faith, Trust, and Hope.
I am reaching out the Diocese of San Diego as well as the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for information on how we may be of assistance in the coming weeks for all those who have been displaced. Please look for more information shortly. I know all of you want to help.

In Mission, Kathy