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He Lives In You

“Give praise with blasts upon the horn, praise him with harp and lyre. Give praise with tambourines and dance, praise him with strings and pipes, Give praise with crashing cymbals, praise him with sounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath give praise to the Lord! Hallelujah!” Psalm 150:3-6

During the Season of Advent, we spend time in prayer and preparation, not only for the coming of Jesus at Christmas and Christ’s Second Coming, but also for Christ coming into our hearts. He does this in many ways, and this past weekend, His presence was made manifest at our Fall Musical Theater production of Lion King, Jr. Since the beginning of September, seventy-five students in grade K-8 memorized lines, rehearsed songs, learned dance routines and blocking, which culminated in four magnificent performances to the delight of hundreds of parents, relatives, parishioners, and friends of St. Michael’s School. Twenty additional students joined the tech team: they were responsible, with staff guidance, for running the sound booth, queueing for the lights, and moving props. Our Art teacher, Mr. Patterson, and his students also participated by creating the elephant, giraffe, and all the animal face masks the students donned.

We are most grateful to our remarkable staff, who selflessly gave of their time and talent to mentor our students and share with them their passion for the Arts. In addition to Mr. Patterson, we recognize Mr. Cazares, Mrs. Entwistle, Mrs. Calderon, Mrs. McKinley, and most especially, Ms. Alessio for their dedication. A special thank you is also extended to Lynne Broyles, who served as the Director.

St. Michael’s School students are provided a multitude of exceptional opportunities to discover and develop their God-given gifts and talents, not only in music, theater, and art, but also through athletics, STEM, and other extra-curricular activities. Elementary school is the perfect time for students to explore all the possibilities that are available and to dabble without pressure or fear of failure. The lessons they learn reach far beyond the immediate skills taught. Students grow in confidence and perseverance; they learn how to work collaboratively, and they learn how to communicate effectively with one another. The younger students look up to the older students; they learn from them and are motivated to work harder. Even if students do not pursue these activities in high school or college, they have certainly benefited from them and expanded their knowledge. And if they do decide to continue down this road, they are one step ahead of their future peers.

One student, who was so fearful at the Christmas program last year, and who started crying until his teacher removed him from the stage, participated in the ensemble of Lion King, Jr., and is now eager for this year’s Christmas program. In another example, parents have commented that they never would have known their child had an interest or talent in music/art/athletics/STEM if they had not experienced these opportunities at SMS.

The weeks ahead will be busy, but it is important to try not to get consumed by our “to do” lists. Take time to pause and welcome the beauty of God’s presence; nowhere is it more evident than through our children. All we need to do is look, listen, and be thankful.

In Mission,



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