“Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be.”
C.S. Lewis

Anyone with small children can probably recall being told something along these lines: ”Enjoy your time with them now because they grow up so fast.” When you are in the midst of the daily routine, it is sometimes hard to comprehend those words of wisdom. It may seem as if time is standing still because we see growth in incrementally small steps and don’t always fully recognize or appreciate the changes that have occurred. We are reminded of the progress our children are making when a relative or friend, who only visits a few times a year, proclaims how much they have grown, or how much they have improved.
So, too, is it with our own goals and dreams and visions. It may seem as if we are not making any progress, when, in fact, everything happens for a reason, as one event lays the foundation for the next.
In a bit of a stretch, this holds true for the plans we, at St. Michael’s School, have been pursuing this year. Sometimes the speed that we desire is not always possible or attainable, and we must be content with baby steps. Since we are half-way through the school year, I provide you with the following updates, keeping in mind that “slow progress is better than no progress.”
Our Center Gate project, which we had hoped would be installed last fall, has been painfully sluggish, primarily because we are at the mercy of the City of Poway, who must approve the permits before we can begin. All paperwork from the contractor was sent at the end of the summer, which was then reviewed, and a request for three additional documents was issued. Those documents were forwarded prior to Christmas, and we are now “patiently” in a holding pattern, awaiting approval on each, and there is little we can do to speed up the process other than reaching out weekly inquiring on our status. However, we believe the City has everything they need, and as soon as approval is granted, we can start the install, as we have all necessary funding to complete the project thanks to your generosity at the Crusader Benefit last year.
Our second project, replacing our South Campus sod field with turf, a decomposed granite track, lighting, and a new scoreboard, is proceeding a bit more smoothly. All engineering, planning, and design work has been completed, and the team has put out requests from three companies to bid on the turf, which is the costliest component. We expect those bids to be submitted by the end of February, at which time the School Advisory Council will provide their feedback. From there, the contract must be sent to the Diocese for approval. With the generosity of a $500,000 matching donor, and an additional $200,000 in contributions, we are still short of our goal of $1,000,000. We would like to begin construction by early May, for completion by late August, should we be able to secure enough funding.
If all goes well, both of these projects will be completed by the time school starts in the fall, and even though the process has seemingly been slow and sometimes frustrating, we are indeed making progress. We are also waiting to hear from the State of California regarding a security grant for which I applied last September. Funding from this grant, along with revenue from our upcoming Crusader Benefit on March 1, will enable us to raise fencing around both fields, automate all existing gates, and improve communication methods among and between staff members, as well as local agencies, in the event of an intruder.
Thank you all for your patience and prayers as we work toward these goals. On a final note, please come out for a wonderful evening of camaraderie and FUN at the Crusader Benefit Carnevale on March 1!
In Mission, Kathy